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    He is so all the time!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

eviyl (ev-eel) [190]

a.  From an unused root meaning perverse.
b.  Figuratively, silly.

Primarily eviyl describes one who:

1.  Lacks wisdom; Proverbs 24:7, "Wisdom is too high for a fool; he opens not his mouth in the gate [where the city’s rulers sit in judgment]."

Footnote to Proverbs 14:3; "In the fool’s own mouth is a rod [to shame] his pride, but the wise men’s lips preserve them. "

The word “fool” in the Old Testament seldom, if ever, is used to describe the feebleminded, imbecile, idiot, or moron. Rather, it always has within it the meaning of a rebel, especially against God and the laws of order, decency, and justice. Notice in Proverbs how many such characteristics of rebelliousness are listed against the fool, and see God’s attitude toward them.

2.  Is morally undesirable despising wisdom and discipline; Proverbs 1:7, "The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline." and Proverbs 15:5; "A fool despises his father’s instruction and correction, but he who regards reproof acquires prudence. "

3.  Mocks guilt; Proverbs 14:9, "Fools make a mock of sin and sin mocks the fools [who are its victims; a sin offering made by them only mocks them, bringing them disappointment and disfavor], but among the upright there is the favor of God. "

4.  Is quarrelsome; Proverbs 20:3, "It is an honor for a man to cease from strife and keep aloof from it, but every fool will quarrel. "

5.  Licentious; Proverbs 7:22, "Suddenly he [yields and] follows her reluctantly like an ox moving to the slaughter, like one in fetters going to the correction [to be given] to a fool or like a dog enticed by food to the muzzle "

6.  Reuses instruction; Proverbs 16:22, "Understanding is a wellspring of life to those who have it, but to give instruction to fools is folly. "

The fool's only authority is himself [5034 ]; Psalm 14:1, "The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds; there is none that does good or right. ".  Cross reference Romans 3:9-10, " Well then, are we [Jews] superior and better off than they? No, not at all. We have already charged that all men, both Jews and Greeks (Gentiles), are under sin [held down by and subject to its power and control]. As it is written, None is righteous, just and truthful and upright and conscientious, no, not one. "

Psalm 53:1, "The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt and evil are they, and doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. "

The fool twists God's ways into his own [191 ].

The fool is insensitive to godly prodding [3688; ].

The fool lives by his own resources [5528; ]

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